Overcoming Challenges: Empowering Military Spouses in the Job Market

Aug 08, 2023

Military spouses are unsung heroes who selflessly support their partners' commitment to serving their country. Yet, despite their invaluable contributions, military spouses face numerous hurdles in the job market. From frequent relocations to employer biases and licensure challenges, these struggles can undermine their professional growth and financial stability. In this blog post, we delve into the biggest challenges faced by military spouses and propose potential solutions to address these obstacles effectively.

  1. Frequent Relocations:

Challenge: Military families often relocate every few years, disrupting military spouses' careers and making establishing stability and professional growth challenging.

Solution: Remote Work Opportunities

Encouraging employers to embrace remote work options is key. Offering flexible work arrangements, or telecommuting opportunities, enables military spouses to sustain their careers despite constant relocations. Additionally, promoting remote work policies within the military community can foster a supportive environment that prioritizes the needs of military families.

  1. Employer Bias and Resume Gaps:

Challenge: Military spouses encounter bias from employers who perceive their career gaps negatively, hindering their chances of securing meaningful employment.

Solution: Increased Awareness and Education

Raising awareness among employers about the unique challenges military spouses face is essential. Educating employers about the skills gained through the military lifestyle—such as adaptability, resilience, and strong communication—can help dispel misconceptions and biases. Furthermore, providing resources and assistance in resume-building and networking can help military spouses present their experiences effectively and bridge the gaps in their resumes.

  1. Licensure and Certification Challenges:

Challenge: Military spouses face obstacles in obtaining or transferring professional licenses and certifications due to varying state requirements, hindering their ability to continue their careers.

Solution: Portable Licenses and Streamlined Processes

Advocating for portable licenses and certifications across states is crucial. Establishing interstate compacts or reciprocity agreements can facilitate streamlined processes for military spouses, reducing the burden of re-certification and enabling them to continue their careers seamlessly. Encouraging states to adopt uniform standards for certain professions can also help alleviate licensure challenges.

  1. Limited Support Systems:

Challenge: Most will agree that the military community is a tight-knit group. Spouses can find support systems within that community. But military spouses often lack sufficient support systems, such as extended family or reliable childcare, to effectively balance work and family responsibilities.

Solution: Enhanced Support Programs

Expanding support programs specifically designed for military spouses can significantly alleviate their challenges. Initiatives like subsidized childcare, flexible work hours, and affordable career counseling services can empower military spouses to pursue their professional aspirations while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Collaborative efforts between military organizations, local communities, and private-sector employers can be vital in providing robust support systems.

  1. Mental and Emotional Toll:

Challenge: Military spouses' constant struggles in the job market can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and emotional strain.

Solution: Mental Health Support

Acknowledging the toll that these challenges can have on military spouses' mental health is crucial. Providing accessible and comprehensive mental health support services, including counseling, therapy, and support groups, can help them navigate the emotional burdens associated with job market struggles. Utilizing mental health resources within military support programs can ensure holistic care for military families.


Empowering military spouses in the job market requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including employers, policymakers, and society. By addressing challenges such as frequent relocations, employer bias, licensure obstacles, limited support systems, and the mental and emotional toll, we can create a more inclusive job market for these resilient individuals. Supporting remote work opportunities, fostering awareness and education, advocating for portable licenses, enhancing support programs, and prioritizing mental health resources are vital steps in empowering military spouses to thrive professionally while supporting their loved one's service to the nation. We can honor their commitment and ensure a brighter future for military families by acknowledging and supporting their sacrifices.